What Are Your Google Search Result Positions Really Worth To Your Business?

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    What Are Your Google Search Result Positions Really Worth To Your Business?

    If you have a website that you want people to visit, you have to invest in it. A significant proportion of this investment should go to search engine optimisation (SEO). Why? Because if people cannot find your site in search, then the website is non-existent to them. Why have a website if people cannot find it?

    Online, a website’s ranking on the search engine results page (SERP) could be the difference between a successful business and a flop both online and offline. To see just how important search ranking is to your website, let’s take a look at some Google statistics.

    1.     93% of experiences online start with a search.

    2.     The number one ranked result gets 33% of traffic.

    3.     The number two ranked result gets 18% of traffic

    4.     The third highest ranked result gets 11% of traffic.

    5.     61% of searchers click on the first three results.

    6.     70% of the links clicked on by users are organic, 30% are Adwords (may change once data is on for the loss of right hand ads).

    7.     95% of searchers never go past the first page of results.

    8.     Even in the second and subsequent pages, traffic is highest for the top results (i.e. traffic drops by 27%, 11.3% and 5.4% from position one results to those in position two on page two, three, and four respectively)

    9.     Search is the number one driver of traffic to content websites, beating social media by about 300%.

    10.   Outbound leads (e.g. print advertising and direct mail) have 1.7% close rate compared to a 14.6% close rate for SEO (inbound) leads.

    11.   Inbound leads are 61% cheaper than outbound leads.

    12.   E-mail and search are the top two internet uses.

    13.   6% of all internet users use search.

    14.   65-70% search engine market share is owned by Google.

    What does this mean?  What we already know: SEO is still important.

    Source post: https://www.websitestrategies.com.au/google-search-usage-statistics/ 

    By | 2018-06-26T00:54:08+00:00 June 26th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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